Thursday, January 15, 2009

Lessons Learned... - Dan Rodgerson

I am thinking that I may need to change career paths completely. Repo man comes to the top of the list. That is an industry that will be flourishing in the next year. I don’t really like being shot at. Maybe just continue dealing real estate. “Danny Day Care” was another suggestion as a local day care closed its doors. “Curriculum Writing by June” (my mother) even occurred to me.

I had a great conversation with my dad with inspiring words like, “You are only limited by your fears.” “You are well-educated and articulate, and you will rebound just fine.” My mother asked, "How are you at selling used cars?”

Another day….no passport.

Dan Rodgerson Facebook link

Trip Advisor Comments Rodgerson

Dan Rodgerson Resume

Rodgerson myspace

Dan Rodgerson Motivational Quotes


  1. who would have thought something like this would ever happen....i hate to ask about things on here, so hopefully we can meet up in a few weeks and talk about things.

  2. "The office is simply an episode of survivor. The only thing different are computers and bulletin boards take the place of palm trees and thatched huts. Always understand your position"

    sad, but true. this makes me want to move to north dakota and live in a shack and cut firewood all day. :P
